Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pleased to meet you. Let’s be friends.

By Troy Stiles, Director of Business Development

As a relative newcomer to the world of Business Development I've got a lot to learn. I like knowing. I like learning. And right now, I feel like I don’t know a whole lot, which means that I've got a lot to learn on the topic of Business Development.

Luckily for me, I’m curious. I’m always trying to find more information and more resources to help me in what I’m doing. The good part is that there is a ton of information out there on what to do and how to do it better. Unfortunately, there is so much information that it’s hard to get through it all and still have time to actually put the knowledge to practice. 

So the question is what are the most important pieces of advice that can help in a Business Development role?

Since taking on the Director of Business Development for Cukjati, I’ve been able to talk with a number of extremely experienced professionals about this and the same answers seem to continually resurface: networking and relationships. The concepts seem so simple, but they make complete sense when you think about them.

I've heard from a number of people that sales in any environment is a numbers game, the more time you try selling, the more you’ll actually sell. (Makes sense) I mean, if you don’t know anyone or of anyone, you don’t have a huge base of people to which to sell.

When you get to the selling aspect, that’s where relationships come in. As Ryan said last week, sometimes you have to lose a battle to win the war. In the short run, relationship building may not help increase your sales, but if you build strong relationships with those key contacts, eventually those relationships will pay off. I take this lesson from my dad. He may not be the best salesman in the world, but because he has such strong relationships with his clients they continue to come back to him for their insurance needs as well as refer others who become loyal customers.

Deep relationships have been key to the success of Cukjati as well. How else could we still be successful after 22 years of being in business? Mary Cukjati, Cukjati’s Principal, has developed strong, productive relationships over the years and those relationships continue to pay dividends.

It undoubtedly makes my job easier that our marketing and creative team here at Cukjati is top notch.

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