Friday, October 28, 2011

What Happened to Halloween?

By Ryan Schaul

Halloween isn't what it use to be. Unfortunately, retailers and consumers prematurely focus their efforts on Thanksgiving and Christmas. How is it that I was able to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, before the Charlie Brown Halloween Special even aired? To eerily sound like my elders, “when I was young…”, I remember when Halloween was filled with an entire night of trick-or-treating. Houses were decorated with ghosts and ghouls, and neighbors were always around to pass out candy. Now, as I look at the houses in my neighborhood, there are no decorations, no homemade graves or ghosts hanging from trees. In an ironic fashion, Halloween is “dying” right in front of our eyes and it makes me sad.

But I digress. Let me get on track. For me there is one truly memorable Halloween campaign that comes out every year—Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Not only are the peanut butter cups delicious, but Reese's commercials are light, a little spooky, clever, and very well-done. The commercials are simple, but put you in the Halloween mood. While stores are stocked with all types of Halloween candy, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups have earned my loyalty partly because of their holiday specific advertising. 

Frankly, I think they have a corner on the market when it comes to Halloween advertising. Where are all the other candy maker’s commercials? Where are the dentist commercials reminding parents to schedule an appointment after their children eats too much of the sweet stuff? Where are all the costume shop commercials? Reese’s truly does own Halloween in my eyes. Granted, they would prefer me to purchase their peanut butter cups year round, not just for Halloween, but they’ve got me hooked. To me Halloween = Reese's just like Easter = Peeps. 

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Halloween commercials are littered throughout YouTube. So, if you haven’t seen them, you can find them there. But kudos to Reese's for not only making memorable and fun commercials, but for doing their part to keep the spirit of Halloween alive, before Thanksgiving and especially Christmas take over completely.

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