Thursday, January 12, 2012

One of Four finalists selected to design Colorado Springs' new logo

Just announced today, we were one of four designers selected to move to the final round to develop a new logo for the Colorado Springs "Live It Up!" brand.

Check out the Colorado Springs Gazette's article about it:

Read more:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Exciting News at Cukjati

Contact: Mary A. Cukjati                                                             For Immediate Release
(719) 633-4777,                                        December 14, 2011

Cukjati Announces New Managing Partner & Associate Creative Director

Cukjati | brand development + creative is delighted to announce the appointment of Ryan Schaul to Managing Partner. He joined the firm in 2007 as Account Services Director, managing the firm’s client relationships; however, in recent years, he has strengthened and re-structured the firm’s project management function and now directs that service, too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lessons in (re)Branding - Part 1

By Mary Cukjati, CEO/Creative Director

Should I? Shouldn’t I?

It is with trepidation that I wade into the fetid swamp of comments erupting from the new Colorado Springs visual and editorial identity. The dread derives from three factors:
  1.  Cukjati qualified as one of the final branding firms in the competition for the work. I don’t want my comments to be taken as disparaging to Stone Mantel, the process or the respected people involved.
  2. My western Kansas Quaker upbringing: I’m more comfortable working hard and serving my clients in the background noise of the community than speaking out publicly. And finally,
  3. Comments on visual and editorial approaches to branding are entirely subjective often reflecting the individual’s bias more than anything. Does the uproar about the new Colorado Springs logo and tagline merit a comment?

Yes, I finally decided I should comment — because there are lessons to learn.

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Happened to Halloween?

By Ryan Schaul

Halloween isn't what it use to be. Unfortunately, retailers and consumers prematurely focus their efforts on Thanksgiving and Christmas. How is it that I was able to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, before the Charlie Brown Halloween Special even aired? To eerily sound like my elders, “when I was young…”, I remember when Halloween was filled with an entire night of trick-or-treating. Houses were decorated with ghosts and ghouls, and neighbors were always around to pass out candy. Now, as I look at the houses in my neighborhood, there are no decorations, no homemade graves or ghosts hanging from trees. In an ironic fashion, Halloween is “dying” right in front of our eyes and it makes me sad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The "King" of Creepy

Since it's almost Halloween, we thought it would be fun, as a staff, to blog about our favorite Halloween campaigns. I started brainstorming and the truth is...I don’t really have a favorite. The truth is, there really aren't many Halloween campaigns that are very memorable for me. But in the spirit of Halloween, I have instead chosen a campaign that I have always found a little creepy, but love anyway. I’m talking about Burger King’s “The King.”