Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let's face it, client face time is decreasing

By Ryan Schaul, Director of Client Services

Way back in the day, during the time period of Mad Men and such, three martini lunches were the considered the norm in the area of agency account service—a lot of schmoozing and a lot of boozing day in, day out; being in front of clients as frequently as possible was norm.  Keeping agency top of mind awareness for the client was key back then.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What makes a good media buy?

By Kristen Porter, Media Buyer

What does make a good media buy? The goal is to first define who and what you want to reach. In these fast moving and changing times, there are endless ways to reach your target… but it’s who exactly you want to reach- what’s their age? Are they married? Male/female? Do they have a family? What’s their income level? Where do they live? What do they like to do? What’s their occupation? Answering these questions will help lead you to where you should advertise. I like to sit down with the client and define the above BEFORE doing anything else. The biggest mistakes I have seen are when a client says that they want to advertise during a specific program or on a certain radio station or during a certain sporting event because “that’s my team” or because they “love that show” or “listen to that station all the time.”

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cukjati's Air Force Football poster earns top 10 spot

Since college football isn't fully underway yet, and it's highly un-American not to want to know who is the best, the Bleacher Report decided to rank the top 50 College Football Posters in the country. Cukjati's design for the Air Force football team's poster earned a top 10 ranking (#7 in fact).

Check out the full story and rankings here: